Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone has attended a significant meeting , during which was presented to the media, the important initiative of social communication that will consist of TV, radio, print , billboards and web and which has as its theme the role of the Bambin Gesù Hospital in the fight against heart pediatric disease.
The objective of the campaign is to achieve a further and important goal: the creation of a new and modern Cardio Center for surgical ICU (ICT) , a department that will be equipped with the latest technology and that is emerging at the Heart Pavilion of the Hospital, able to respond adequately to the new needs of care.
They took part in the press conference as speakers: the President of the Bambin Gesù Hospital, Giuseppe Profiti , the CEO and Executive Creative Director 1861United , Pino Rozzi and for the Messeggero Chronicle of Rome, Editor Dr. Massimo Martinelli .
Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone and many enterprises and the media were presented at the meeting: important realities that have always complemented by social projects of Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, helping - year after year - to achieve ambitious growth targets for the benefit of the children of Rome and the world.
To center the lens and allow many more children and young people "to born again" , the Bambino Gesù Hospital asks everyone , individuals and businesses , to " use your heart " by making a donation . Thanks to social profiles of the Hospital , facebook and twitter ( @ bambinogesu ) will be possible to involve everyone in the campaign.