Thanks to the efforts of the associations that have joined the initiative, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù was able to realize the "Children's Area on the Move" at the headquarters of Palidoro entitled Playground " Salvo D'Acquisto ."
Playground " Salvo D ' Acquisto " is the first step of a
major development project on behalf of children , which affects our
territory and is an attempt to provide highly professional and
appropriate responses to all the people who daily turn to the
Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù
The new playground built for
children with disabilities Hospital Bambino Gesù Palidoro is an area
of 600 square meters, " green ", just a few steps
from the sea, with anti-shock rubber floor, swings with safety
systems and control of posture, access ramps for wheelchairs. And
again, spring games fall protection, sensory panels and animated to
stimulate the "know how". The new park, named Salvo
D'Acquisto was carried out with the objective to promote, through the
game, the integration of all children. Even
those with severe disabilities .
new area dedicated to children was made possible thanks to funds
raised by the marathon solidarity " Charity Run - Race for
children" , on May 12 last year, as well as private donations .
A practical response to the need to break down the psychological
barriers on diversity and at the same time the possibility for
parents of disabled children , to have " a safe place where
children can play with other children ."
Italy most of the play areas has no ramps or the necessary spaces for
wheelchairs , resulting in fact impractical for the little ones with
problems of mobility. Hence the idea of creating a space without
obstacles , for everyone.
Lorenza Caltagirone has participated for the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus.