The funds were collected during the Galà of Charity held on 8 July at the Military Academy in Modena.
The children and the girls of Camerino and Visso will be able to return to play in a structure made for them thanks to the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone and Rock no War! Which organized and channeled the donation aimed at the reconstruction of the municipalities of Camerino and Visso.
The figure reached for the donation of the two playgrounds is the result of fundraising organized on the occasion of the charity Gala of the previous 8 July at the Military Academy in Modena; the sums collected from the initiative besides being devoluted for the purchase of two school buses, were invested in the purchase of play and aggregation structures for the boys of the small hamlets of Camerino and Visso.
Proximity and solidarity initiatives like this give the strength to continue with determination and courage in the reconstruction of the centers affected by the earthquake.
who, like many other small towns in the Marche region, was struck by
a violent earthquake that caused the destruction of the entire
housing and cultural heritage; unfortunately it has been scarcely the
focus of media attention, which makes it more difficult to receive
aid in the reconstruction process, so it is our choice to make a
concrete contribution to a small reality that, like so many others,
needs from the another is to help this territory become an active
part of the long process of reconstruction by promoting events and
initiatives to return to citizens and in this case to children the
most significant places for a new social vivability.
The last park will be installed at the Parish of Visso (Mc). The two parks with a value of € 14.000,00 have already been ordered and will be installed in the first decade of September and will be inaugurated with the presence of Cesare Bocci on Saturday 16 September 2017.