Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation's official donation of an Otoscreening device to Fatebenefratelli Hospital in observance of "Premature Baby Day"
On Sunday 9 October, in observance of the now customary " Premature Baby Day," the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation officially donated an otoacoustic emissions screener to the Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Rome. This device is needed for the early diagnosis of deafness in infants, and has been in operation for a few months now, but this special day was chosen for the official announcement of the donation.
The ceremony was opened by the Director-general of Fatebenefratelli, Dr. Carlo Maria Cellucci, who described the extraordinary results achieved by the organization he represents. He also spoke about some of the present and future challenges to be tackled.
Next to speak was the head physician in neonatology, Dr. Rocco Agostino, who officially thanked the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation and described the activities of the intensive care unit treating premature babies, to those attending the event. The doctor underlined one specific aspect which is often overlooked - support offered to parents whose children are in intensive care. He explained how his unit is especially sensitive to this subject, especially because the parents' constant presence alongside their children as they fight for their lives often makes them very vulnerable and full of mixed emotions.
Then Lorenza Caltagirone spoke on behalf of the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation, thanking Dr. Agostino for his professionalism and commendable efforts. Once again, she extended the Foundation's support to the Fatebenefratelli Hospital.
Next to take the floor was Matteo Costantini, Chairman of the Foundation, who described how the organization was established, as well as its operating structure and goals, emphasizing a few projects for the future that the Foundation is currently evaluating.
Finally, before closing, was Alessandro Cavicchia, Chairman of "La Cicogna Frettolosa" Foundation, which unites the parents of infants born prematurely and has been supporting Fatebenefratelli for years by funding various activities in pediatric medical assistance.
The event was full of emotion and included the presence of many children who made this a special Sunday with music and beautiful theatrical performances.