The Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation has established various relationships with professionals specializing in scientific/medical research. We allocate a portion of our resources to supporting and funding research grants and selection processes in the area of pediatrics and neonatology.
Fully supporting the intentions of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation has taken up cooperative efforts with the Rome chapter of said organization and, with extreme enthusiasm, has resolved upon the funding of a Research Grant for 2012.
The Umberto Veronesi Foundation develops specific partnerships to optimize its activities. For this reason, it has chosen to work with the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation - which has the specific mission of offering assistance and charitable contributions in the area of health care and social services, as well as supporting research and training in the medical and pharmaceutical fields - to award a research grant to a young researcher presenting a project intended to expand upon current knowledge in the field of PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY.
The grant is intended for doctors and researchers who are Italian citizens. The candidate selected will carry out the term of study at a high-tech Italian research center set up to accommodate him/her in pursuing the project proposed. This is a concrete opportunity for the person selected to grow professionally, expand upon current scientific knowledge, and open new discussions.