Official handover of Defibrillator Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome

Official handover of Defibrillator Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome

Thursday, January 17, in front of the Dialysis Unit of Paediatric Roman Centre, was held the ceremony of donation of a modern and important medical and scientific equipment.
Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus has officially donated to the hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome, a basic necessity of life-saving equipment: Defibrillator Philips M4735A Heartstream XL, a device capable of defibrillation of the muscular walls of the heart in a safe, useful and effective to restore a regular beating of the heart in the event of a cardio-respiratory arrest, ie to help the young patients suffering from heart attack.
The ceremony was introduced by the operators of Foundrising 'Hospital, and Dr. Stefano Picca, which listed the achievements of the organization in which he works for 28 years, and at the same time pointed out the present and future challenges that await.
Professor Picca officially thanked the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus and explained to those present the operation of the department of pediatric dialysis. "A very welcome gesture, denoting by the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone, attention to the social sphere and sensitivity to the issue of health and the world of pediatrics. Instruments like this are always required to meet new needs. "
Defibrillatore PediatricoDr. Picca went on to emphasize that "those who work with children must have a particular sensitivity to understand the immediate needs without relying on a medical literature in this area, unfortunately, is missing, every case is unique. Operate in the world of children is difficult and delicate, even for the rare number of case studies that present themselves, the more necessary are the tools that facilitate such interventions, often a matter of urgency."
On behalf of the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus, intervened Lorenza Caltagirone, who thanked Professor Picca for his professionalism and commitment, and renewed their friendship and closeness between Foundation and the hospital Bambino Gesù.
Intent of the Foundation, continued Lorenza Caltagirone, is to support centers of excellence such as the Bambino Gesù of Rome, and to continue in the activity of supporting all necessary activities to ensure continuous and professional medical care to young patients.