22 Ottobre 2013Attended the presentation of the new communication campaign of the Bambino Gesù Hospital
Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone has attended a significant meeting , during which was presented to the media, the important initiative of social communication that will consist of TV, radio, print , billboards and web and which has as its theme the role of the Bambin Gesù Hospital in the fight against heart pediatric...
18 Settembre 2013The journal of high-impact "Oncotarget" published the results of the research project of Dr. Masetti
It is with great satisfaction that Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone learns of publication in the journal of high-impact "ONCOTARGET" results of the continuation of the Research Project on the characterization of myeloid leukemia in early childhood by m
05 Giugno 2013The research project continues to thanks the financial contribution given by Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus
The Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone Onlus once again supports the activity
research for the year 2013-2014, promoted by the Fondazione
Veronesi in the field of pediatric oncology.
Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone's commitment is renewed for the year
2013-2014, and supports the research survey carried by...
23 Aprile 2013The first results of the project led to the sequencing of pediatric AML have been accepted and published by the journal Blood.
Scientific importance of the project is recognized by the American Society of Hematology, one of the major international organizations
14 Febbraio 2013Official handover of Defibrillator Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome
Foundazione Ginevra Caltagirone officially delivered defibrillator Philips M4735A Heartstream XL
- 05 Dicembre 2012
First Quarterly Report on the activities of Dr. Riccardo Masetti Research
19 Luglio 2012Research Grant Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation: the winner
Riccardo Masetti has been awarded a research grant from Ginevra
Caltagirone Foundation non-profit organization to continue his
studies on acute myeloid leukemia.
Veronesi Foundation., in detail
the operational headquarters
in Rome,
with the support of Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation, has awarded...
06 Luglio 2012Funding for 2012 Research Grant in Pediatric Oncology
The Ginevra
Caltagirone Foundation has established various relationships with
professionals specializing in scientific/medical research. We
allocate a portion of our resources to supporting and funding
research grants and selection processes in the area of pediatrics and
Fully supporting the
intentions of...
06 Luglio 2012Defibrillator for Pediatric Dialysis donated to Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome
Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation is pleased to have been able to donate
a life-saving piece of equipment to the Bambino Gesù Children's
Hospital in Rome. The Philips M4735A HEARTSTREAM XL, chosen based on
a careful study conducted by the Biomedical Engineering Service, was
considered to be the most suitable to...
20 Ottobre 2011Official delivery of the Otoport screener
Caltagirone Foundation's official donation of an Otoscreening
device to Fatebenefratelli Hospital in observance of "Premature
Baby Day"
Sunday 9 October, in observance of the now customary " Premature
Baby Day," the Ginevra Caltagirone Foundation officially donated
an otoacoustic emissions screener to the...
25 Luglio 2011Otoport screener in operation
the Otoport screener officially became operative at the San Giovanni
Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital, on Tiberina Island in Rome. This
important piece of equipment is used for the diagnosis of congenital
deafness in infants.
is a great deal of enthusiasm among the entire hospital staff working
under Dr....
06 Luglio 2011Study: a gene that fights deafness
is a gene that can be hyperactivated in order to fight deafness. A
study carried out in the US and Japan and published in Nature
Medicine magazine, demonstrates that
guinea pigs were able to regain the ability to hear through the
manipulation of a gene called "Atoh 1."
therapy," explains Yehoash...
06 Giugno 2011Screening for congenital deafness in infants at the Colle Massimo Clinic, in municipal district XVI
this important test for newborns will also be available, free of
charge, in a local health center, as opposed to a major hospital.
Currently, there are only some hospitals offering early diagnosis
of congenital deafness using the OAE test during the post-natal
period, or rather, within the first 5 months of...
16 Maggio 2011Purchasing the equipment
the board's unanimous approval, the requested equipment was
purchased from Amplifon S.p.a. It will be delivered to the
Neonatology unit at Fatebenefratelli Hospital in June...
08 Aprile 2011Meeting of Board of Directors for approval of equipment
a meeting was held among the Board of Directors of the Ginevra
Caltagirone Foundation. One of the agenda items discussed was the
significant request made by the Fatebenefratelli Hospital for an
Otoport screener needed to test for congenital deafness in infants;
the request included a price quote for the...
06 Aprile 2011Contacts at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital
screening for congenital deafness using otoacoustic emissions has
been taking place for over three years now at the hospital of San
Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli, on Tiberina Island in Rome, where
approximately 4,500 infants are born
each year.
perform this type of testing, an Otoport
screener is...