On July 8th, 2017, a long toast was made in the Courtyard of Honor of Palazzo Ducale, home of the Military Academy in Modena, where the traditional Rock No War! career for the seventh consecutive year was made; over 900 people took part at the event and thanks to which about two hundred thousand euros were collected.
Rock no War! is a voluntary association for years on the front of international solidarity. It is fundraising for projects in disadvantaged areas. Thanks to the collaboration of famous singers and folk performers, Rock No War! has become a famous national and international association.
Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone from this year is in the side of this association with extreme pleasure. For the occasion, the Fondazione Ginevra Caltagirone contributed with a donation that went to fundraising to help the earthquake victims of Montegallo and Camerino. Two school-bus stalls were therefore available for disabled children. Actor Cesare Bocci is also a protagonist togheter with the actors Ale and Franz, il was also sent a videotape by Luca Zingaretti.